New Zealand
02 April 1912
Business Description
KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED is registered as a business on 02 April 1912, structured as a NZ LIMITED COMPANY (LTD) with the business reigstration number (NZBN): 9429040973708 issued and govern by the New Zealand Companies Office. The business official address is 40 BAY ROAD, ST HELIERS, AUCKLAND, 1071, NEW ZEALAND. Its default trading currency is New Zealand Dollar (NZD) and it is not known as any other formal names. It is not GST registered, which suggest that KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED has an annual reported sales / revenue volume of less than NZD 60,000 in the last 12 months or have been exempted from the GST filing requirements. The business files its annual return on July 2025. The most recent financial account was submitted on 25 July 2022. No business website was provided.
The director(s) of KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED are as follow: Derek Leigh NEWMAN (appointed director on 18 July 1991 and is presently inactive), William John McKeown BRIDGMAN (appointed director on 18 July 1991 and is presently inactive), Peter Brian ALDOUS (appointed director on 18 July 1991 and is presently inactive), Paul HARGREAVES (appointed director on 08 July 1991 and is presently inactive), John BURGESS (appointed director on 18 July 1991 and is presently inactive), John Wayne DYER (appointed director on 18 July 1991 and is presently inactive), Brendan Patrick CUTHBERT (appointed director on 01 March 1993 and is presently inactive), Philp Aubrey BETTMAN (appointed director on 16 July 1992 and is presently inactive), Geoffrey BRAITHWAITE (appointed director on 05 June 1992 and is presently inactive), Alfred STREET (appointed director on 13 August 1992 and is presently inactive), Peter Leslie WATT (appointed director on 16 July 1992 and is presently inactive), John Leonard SUGDEN (appointed director on 16 November 1995 and is presently inactive), Trevor Raymond EASTWOOD (appointed director on 29 August 1994 and is presently inactive), Alistaire Barclay MCGUINNESS (appointed director on 16 July 1992 and is presently inactive), Malcolm David KEEFE (appointed director on 16 July 1992 and is presently inactive), George Shawn BOHNERT (appointed director on 17 October 1996 and is presently inactive), Gregory James RUDDOCK (appointed director on 28 October 1999 and is presently inactive), Odelia D'SOUZA (appointed director on 13 December 2005 and is presently inactive), Ian Norhan TREHAR (appointed director on 29 August 1994 and is presently inactive), Paul John FAVRETTO (appointed director on 17 October 1996 and is presently inactive), Terry Ming Teong TEOH (appointed director on 29 October 1999 and is presently inactive), Jacqueline Phin Eang YEO (appointed director on 29 October 1999 and is presently inactive), Gary William ROSE (appointed director on 26 August 1997 and is presently inactive), Kenneth John ROSE (appointed director on 29 October 1999 and is presently inactive), Guy Anthony FREELAND (appointed director on 08 August 1999 and is presently inactive), Gregory James RUDDOCK (appointed director on 26 August 1997 and is presently inactive), Stephen Ozwald D'SOUZA (appointed director on 02 September 2004 and is presently active).
KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED has a simple shareholding structure. The total number of share(s) issued by KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED is 5,800,000. These shares were allocated in the following proportion: 1 shares held by Odelia D'SOUZA, 2,899,999 shares held by Stephen Ozwald D'SOUZA, 2,899,999 shares held by Stephen Ozwald D'SOUZA, 1 shares held by Odelia D'SOUZA. KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED does not have an ultimate holding company and the business is not directly listed on any stock exchange.
In the past 365 days, KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED has received a total of Login to view reported payment review(s). 19 were rated Good and Login to view were rated Poor. The latest review was made on 2023-09-18 and it was reported "Good". The aggregated good payment amount is equivalent to USD 9,785, and aggregated poor payment amount is equivalent to USD Login to view. Its current payment rating of "A" suggest a healthy payment culture where settlement with stakeholders is always prioritised.
KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED is not yet a Prompt Payment Initiative Signatory.
Last updated on 30 April 2023
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Poor Payment Sum
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Poor Payment Count
USD 9,785
Good Payment Sum
Good Payment Count
Latest Report Date
Latest Report Rating
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Legal Name
Registry Business Number
Official Address
Date Founded
02 APRIL 1912
Base Currency
Industry Classification
Governing Agency
Business Website(s)
No website
Business Phone Number
Entity Structure
GST / Sales Tax Status
Active Appointments
Stephen Ozwald D'SOUZA (DIRECTOR)
Prompt Payment Initiative
Business Legitimacy
Business Status
Frequently Asked
What is the legal name and registration number of KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED? Is it still in business?
"KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED" is the legal full name of the business with the registered number 9429040973708. It is still active and opertional as a business.
How do I find out the credit profile and payment rating of KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED?
The credit profile of KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED is assessed with the payment rating of "A", find out more.
When did KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED register as a business?
KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED started business on 02 April 1912.
Where is KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED located?
What is the base currency of KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED?
The default trading currency of KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED is the New Zealand Dollar (NZD).
Who is KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED governed by?
KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED is under the jurisdiction of New Zealand, overseen by the New Zealand Companies Office.
Other businesses in New Zealand
Important: If you are about to transfer money to this business, do ensure it is made payable to payee's legal name "KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED". If you find this business dealing with regulated products, please further check that KALAMAZOO (NZ) LIMITED is correctly licenced by the local authority.
Disclaimer: Our data is publicly sourced and we make every reasonable effort to maintain timely and accurate information on this page. However, please note that the information may have changed since it was originally supplied by the business owners, and therefore, we cannot be held liable for any actions placed on it.