09 July 1981
Business Description
GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR is registered as a business entity on 09 July 1981 (43.6 years ago) structured as a Sole Proprietor with 2 officer(s) in-charge. The business jurisdiction is overseen by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), a government agency from Singapore with the given Business Registration Number / Unique Entity Number (UEN) 28193100C. The business official address is located at 4 Kranji Loop #01-21, Singapore 739540 in the primary industry of 41009: Building Construction N.e.c. using Singapore Dollars - SGD as its default trading currency. The business name remains unchanged since inception. The business annual account filing date falls on 09 July and is no longer operational with the status of 'Cancelled'.
In the past 365 days, GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR has received a total of Login to view reported payment review(s). 0 were rated Good and Login to view were rated Poor. Therefore no payment reviews were made recently. The aggregated good payment amount is equivalent to USD 0, and aggregated poor payment amount is equivalent to USD Login to view. Its current payment rating of "D" suggest a bad payment culture where settlement with stakeholders is frequently past due. Since the business is no longer active, please take caution if you continue transacting as a counter-party. The lack of an appointed auditor indicates that the business is small sized as it did not meet the regulatory requirements of revenue or assets exceeding SGD 10 million, or has more than 50 employees in the previous two fiscal years.
GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR is not yet a Prompt Payment Initiative Signatory.
Last updated on 30 April 2023
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Legal Name
Registered Business Number / UEN
Postal Address
4 KRANJI LOOP #01-21, SINGAPORE 739540
Officially Founded
09 JULY 1981
Base Currency
Entity Structure
Industry Classification
Governing Agency
Formerly Known as
-Prompt Payment Initiative
Business Legitimacy
Business Status
Frequently Asked
What is the legal name and registration number of GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR? Is it still in business?
"GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR" is the legal full name of the business with the registered number 28193100C. It is still active and opertional as a business.
How do I find out the credit profile and payment rating of GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR?
The credit profile of GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR is assessed with the payment rating of "D", find out more.
When did GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR register as a business?
GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR started business on 09 July 1981.
Where is GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR located?
The address of GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR is 4 KRANJI LOOP #01-21, SINGAPORE 739540.
What is the base currency of GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR?
The default trading currency of GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR is the Singapore Dollars (SGD).
Who is GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR governed by?
GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR is under the jurisdiction of Singapore, overseen by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).
Other businesses in Singapore
Important: If you are about to transfer money to this business, do ensure it is made payable to payee's legal name "GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR". If you find this business dealing with regulated products, please further check that GUAN ANN CONTRACTOR is correctly licenced by the local authority.
Disclaimer: Our data is publicly sourced and we make every reasonable effort to maintain timely and accurate information on this page. However, please note that the information may have changed since it was originally supplied by the business owners, and therefore, we cannot be held liable for any actions placed on it.